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Abraham Wright Quotes

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       Abraham Wright
       Reverend Abraham Wright was a Puritan writer who was presented to the vicarage of Oakham in 1645. He was not inducted, as he refused to take the Covenant. After the Restoration he took possession of the vicarage. He published various books, the best known being a Eulogy of Wentworth, and Five Sermons (1656).

    Abraham Wright on:    

What fools are we, then, to frown upon our afflictions! These, how crabbed soever, are our best friends. They are not indeed for our pleasure, they are for our profit.

    Topics: Affliction

I am mended by my sickness, enriched by my poverty, and strengthened by my weakness.

    Topics: Affliction, Strength

If the Lord should always be swift to hear us, how slow should we be in hearing him, and while we have our desires, forget most of our duties.

    Topics: Apathy

Saints are planted in the house of God; they have a kind of rooting there: but though the tabernacle be a good rooting place, yet we cannot root firmly there, unless we are rooted in Jesus Christ.

    Topics: Christians, Jesus

God keeps all our tears in a bottle; so precious is the water that is distilled from penitent eyes; and because he will be sure not to fail, he notes how many drops there be in his register. It was a precious ointment wherewith the woman in the Pharisee's house (it is thought Mary Magdalene) anointed the feet of Christ; but her tears, wherewith she washed them, were more worth than her spikenard.

    Topics: Compassion

We may feel God's hand as a Father upon us when He strikes us as well as when He strokes us.

    Topics: Discipline
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

It is a great cause oftentimes why God blesseth not means, because we are so apt to trust in them, and rob God of his glory, not waiting for a blessing at his hands.

    Topics: Finances

Our God is not an impotent God with one arm; but as he is slow to anger, so is he great in power.

    Topics: God, Power

The danger may exceed thy resistance, but not God's assistance; the enemies' power may surpass thy strength, their subtlety outwit thy prudence, but neither can excel the wisdom and might of God that is with thee.

    Topics: Grace

If once the heathen come into God's inheritance, no wonder the church complains that she is "become a reproach to her neighbours, a shame and derision to all round about her."

    Topics: Heresy

Holiness becomes every house well, but best God's; and every man, but most of all the minister, who is the mirror in which the people behold heaven, and the convoy to direct them thither.

    Topics: Holiness

Many are ashamed to be seen as God made them; few are ashamed to be seen what the devil hath made them. Many are troubled at small defects in the outward man; few are troubled at the greatest deformities of the inward man; many buy artificial beauty to supply the natural; few spiritual, to supply the defects of the supernatural beauty of the soul.

    Topics: Hypocrisy

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