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Affliction Quotes

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Affliction doth not rise out of the dust or come to men by chance; but it is the Lord that sends it, and we should own and reverence His hand in it.

    Author: Thomas Boston
    Source: Of the Decrees of God, Commentary on the Shorter Catechism.

Whoever be the instruments of any good to us, of whatever sort, we must look above them, and eye the hand and counsel of God in it, which is the first spring, and be duly thankful to God for it. And whatever evil of crosses or afflictions befalls us, we must look above the instruments of it to God.

    Author: Thomas Boston
    Source: Of the Decrees of God, Commentary on the Shorter Catechism.

There are some things good but not pleasant, as sorrow and affliction. Sin is pleasant, but unprofitable; and sorrow is profitable, but unpleasant. As waters are purest when they are in motion, so saints are generally holiest when in affliction.

    Author: William Secker
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

Poverty and affliction take away the fuel that feeds pride.

    Author: Richard Sibbes
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

Affliction brings out graces that cannot be seen in a time of health. It is the treading of the grapes that brings out the sweet juices of the vine; so it is affliction that draws forth submission, weanedness from the world, and complete rest in God. Use afflictions while you have them.

    Author: Robert Murray McCheyne
    Source: Comfort in Sorrow

Affliction shows the power of Christ's blood, when it gives peace in an hour of trouble, when it can make happy in sickness, poverty, persecution and death. Do not be surprised if you suffer, but glorify God.

    Author: Robert Murray McCheyne
    Source: Comfort in Sorrow

Your afflictions may only prove that you are more immediately under the Father's hand. There is no time that the patient is such an object of tender interest to the surgeon, as when he is bleeding beneath his knife. So you may be sure if you are suffering from the hand of a reconciled God, that His eye is all the more bent on you.

    Author: Robert Murray McCheyne

When old companions, old lusts, and sins crowd in upon you, and when you feel that you are ready to sink, what can save you, sinking sinner? This alone - I have a high priest in heaven, and he can support in the hour of affliction. This alone can give you peace - I have a high priest in heaven. When you are dying - when friends can do you no good - when sins rise up like spectres around your bed - what can give you peace? This - "I have a high priest in heaven"

    Author: Robert Murray McCheyne

Afflictions make the heart more deep, more experimental, more knowing and profound, and so, more able to hold, to contain, and beat more.

    Author: John Bunyan

In times of affliction we commonly meet with the sweetest experiences of the love of God.

    Author: John Bunyan

The Lord afflicts us at times; but it is always a thousand times less than we deserve, and much less than many of our fellow-creatures are suffering around us. Let us therefore pray for grace to be humble, thankful, and patient.

    Author: John Newton

The task of the preacher is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    Author: Vance Havner

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