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America Quotes

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Every major crisis that America has faced over the last several decades has been either manufactured or facilitated by policies and activities originating in Washington, D.C.

    Author: Chuck Baldwin

Millions and millions of Americans (especially males) are literally intoxicated with sports. Sports are no longer a great American pastime; they are now a great American obsession.

    Author: Chuck Baldwin

The American empire will follow every other notable empire of antiquity and collapse under its own weight. The signs are already ubiquitous.

    Author: Chuck Baldwin

Legalized abortion is a national holocaust; an affront to our national character; a contradiction of established principles subscribed to from the beginning of Western Civilization; an insult to the principles of our Declaration of Independence; a bane of our national spirit; and a stench in the nostrils of Almighty God.

    Author: Chuck Baldwin

As a result of this total breakdown of basic morality in virtually every distinguished element within the American framework, constitutional governance is also virtually nonexistent. Adams was right: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral . . . people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

    Author: Chuck Baldwin

The federal courts need to respect the rights of the great majority of the American people who believe in God and recognize that the only purpose of the religion clause of the First Amendment is to preserve the rights of conscience given to us by the Creator.

    Author: Judge Roy Moore

In the postmodern view that prevails today, there seems to be no objective truth or established law. Truth seems to be in the eyes of the beholder. Likewise, the words of the law and the United States Constitution mean only what new "empathetic" judges say.

    Author: Judge Roy Moore

The truth is that while liberals now hold the reins of power in Washington, D.C., the American people have not abandoned traditional morality and a conservative philosophy of government.

    Author: Judge Roy Moore

Unfortunately, many of the young people who attend public schools and universities in America today are being persecuted for their profession of faith in Christ.

    Author: Judge Roy Moore

It is encouraging that so many of our youth are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Like our forefathers, they know America is a Christian nation. It is a shame that our president and some of our other public officials do not share that view.

    Author: Judge Roy Moore

America has, over the centuries, learned that respect for our country is garnered by firmness and resolve, not by tribute or obeisance (submission).

    Author: Judge Roy Moore

America is not just one nation under God, she is also 50 sovereign states under God.

    Author: Judge Roy Moore

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