Baptism Quotes Page 1 of 2 CHRISTIAN QUOTES ON Baptism. Part of a large selection of Christian quotes and sayings in a variety of topics by famous people, authors, theologians, pastors, preachers, teachers, and other notable Christians.
Baptism is faith in action. Author: Watchman Nee | Baptism is an outward expression of an inward faith. Author: Watchman Nee | Baptism was to put a line of demarcation between your past sins when you are buried with Him by Baptism--you are burying your past sins--eradicating them--putting a line in the sand saying that old man is dead and he is no longer alive any more and I rise up to walk in the newness of life. Author: T.D. Jakes | Baptism separates the tire kickers from the car buyers. Author: Max Lucado | Is it possible for an unbaptized believer to be saved? Yes, definitely. Should every believer be baptized? Yes, definitely. Author: Max Lucado | Baptism is bowing before the Father and letting him do his work. Author: Max Lucado |
| Indeed, baptism is a vow, a sacred vow of the believer to follow Christ. Just as a wedding celebrates the fusion of two hearts, baptism celebrates the union of sinner with Savior. Author: Max Lucado | Baptism is the initial step of a faithful heart. Author: Max Lucado | Tragically, some people believe they are going to heaven when they die just because a few drops of water were sprinkled over their heads a few weeks after their birth. They have no personal faith, have never made a personal decision, and are banking on a hollow ceremony to save them. How absurd. Author: Max Lucado | Baptism with water is the sign and seal of baptism with the Spirit, as much as it is of the forgiveness of sins. Water-baptism is the initiatory Christian rite, because Spirit-baptism is the initiatory Christian experience. Author: John Stott Source: The Baptism and Fullness of the Holy Spirit, Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 1964, p. 28. | "Baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: there are three distinct persons: in the Name, not names; there is one essence. Author: Thomas Adams Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury | We may never be martyrs but we can die to self, to sin, to the world, to our plans and ambitions. That is the significance of baptism; we died with Christ and rose to new life. Author: Vance Havner |
