C.I. Scofield Quotes Page 1 of 1 C.I. Scofield
Cyrus Ingerson Scofield was an American theologian, minister and writer. During the early twentieth century, his best-selling annotated Bible popularized dispensationalism among fundamentalist Christians.
President Grant appointed him United States Attorney for Kansas in 1873. He worked as a lawyer in Kansas and Missouri from 1869 to 1882. He was converted at 36, he was ordained to the Congregational ministry in 1882, and served as pastor of the First Church, Dallas, Texas (1882-1895), and again (1902-1907); and of the Moody Church, Northfield, Massachusetts (1895-1902).
Through the influence of private talks with Hudson Taylor of the China Inland Mission and also a book by a brilliant journalist traveler, William Eleroy, Scofield established the Central American Mission in 1890. Later years were spent lecturing on biblical subjects on both sides of the Atlantic. Hundreds of thousands have appreciated and use his famous Scofield Reference Bible, the work for which he is best remembered.
How comforting it is, in view of that inevitable scrutiny of our poor works, to learn that in His patient love He is so leading us and working in us now that He can then find something in it all for which to praise us. Topics: Comfort | The Word of truth teaches in the clearest and most positive terms that all of the dead will be raised. No doctrine of the faith rests upon a more literal and emphatic body of Scripture authority than this, nor is any more vital to Christianity. Topics: Doctrine, Resurrection | The Scriptures teach that every regenerate person is the possessor of two natures: one, received by natural birth, which is wholly and hopelessly bad; and a new nature, received through the new birth, which is the nature of God Himself, and therefore wholly good. Topics: Good and Evil, Restoration | Christians, let us leave the government of the world till the King comes; let us leave the civilizing of the world to be the incidental effect of the presence there of the Gospel of Christ, and let us give our time, our strength, our money, our days to the mission distinctively committed to the Church, namely, to make the Lord Jesus Christ known "to every creature"! Topics: Government, Evangelism | Nothing in the afterlife of the believer adds in the smallest degree to his title of favor with God, nor to his perfect security. Through faith alone this standing before God is conferred, and before Him the weakest person, if he be but a true believer on the Lord Jesus Christ, has precisely the same title as the most illustrious saint. Topics: Heaven | Romans 7 is a record of the conflict of regenerate man with his old self, and is, therefore, intensely personal. "I would," "I do not," "I would not," "I do," is the sad confession of defeat which finds an echo in so many Christian hearts. Topics: Hypocrisy |
| The Jews were slow of heart to believe all that the prophets had spoken concerning the sufferings of their Messiah; we are slow of heart to believe all that they have spoken concerning His glory. Topics: Ignorance | The Church, saved by faith in the Messiah who came from the Jews; having in her hand the Bible which was written by the Jews; receiving her teaching solely and only through Jewish sources, became, for one thousand years, the bitter, relentless, bloody persecutor of Judaism. With that came worldliness and priestly assumption, and the Dark Ages. Topics: Ignorance, Hypocrisy, Persecution | God's purpose in promising to reward with heavenly and eternal honors the faithful service of His saints is to win them from the pursuit of earthly riches and pleasures, to sustain them in the fires of persecution, and to encourage them in the exercise of Christian virtues. Topics: Persecution, Virtue, Rewards | The promise to the Church is a promise of persecution, if faithful in this world, but a promise of a great inheritance and reward hereafter. In the meantime, she is to be a pilgrim body, passing through this scene, but abiding above. Topics: Persecution, Rewards | The presence of the flesh is not, however, an excuse for walking in it. We are taught that "our old man is crucified with Christ"; that, in that sense, we "are dead," and we are called upon to make this a constant experience by mortifying ("making dead") our members which are upon the earth. Topics: Pride | Scripture plainly tells us of this mingling of tares and wheat--of mere professors among true believers. Yet misguided students have frequently applied to the children of God the warnings and exhortations meant only for the self-deceived or hypocritical. Topics: Self-righteousness, Hypocrisy |
