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C.S. Lewis Quotes

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    C.S. Lewis on:    

Human beings, all over the earth, have this curious idea that they ought to behave in a certain way, and can't really get rid of it.

    Topics: Conscience
    Source: The Case for Christianity

Disobedience to conscience is voluntary; bad poetry, on the other hand, is usually not made on purpose.

    Topics: Conscience
    Source: A Preface to Paradise Lost

The heart never takes the place of the head: but it can, and should, obey it.

    Topics: Conscience, The Heart

As the king governs by his executive, so Reason in man must rule the mere appetites by means of the 'spirited element.'

    Topics: Conscience
    Source: The Abolition of Man

If we did not bring to the examinations of our instincts a knowledge of their comparative dignity we could never learn it from them.

    Topics: Conscience
    Source: The Abolition of Man

I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia.

    Topics: Conscience
    Source: The Silver Chair

The very nature of Joy makes nonsense of our common distinction between having and wanting.

    Topics: Contentment, Joy

All joy emphasizes our pilgrim status; always reminds, beckons, awakens desire. Our best havings are wantings.

    Topics: Contentment, Joy

The true enjoyments must be spontaneous and compulsive and look to no remoter end.

    Topics: Contentment
    Source: The World's Last Night

Many things--such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly--are done worst when we try hardest to do them.

    Topics: Contentment
    Source: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature

To play well the scenes in which we are 'on' concerns us much more than to guess about the scenes that follow it.

    Topics: Contentment
    Source: The World's Last Night

These things are not strange, Small One, though they are beyond our senses.

    Topics: Contentment
    Source: Out of the Silent Planet

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