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One thing about change hasn't changed: it still fascinates some people, frightens others, and provides a good living for a prophetic minority.

    Author: Warren Wiersbe

Will power does not change men. Time does not change men. Christ does.

    Author: Henry Drummond

Little men with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds.

    Author: Zig Ziglar

A human being does not cease to exist at death. It is change, not destruction, which takes place.

    Author: Florence Nightingale

To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.

    Author: John Henry Newman

The question isn't were you challenged. The question is were you changed?

    Author: Leonard Ravenhill

Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.

    Author: Martin Luther King, Jr.

It is not so true that "prayer changes things" as that prayer changes me and I change things. God has so constituted things that prayer on the basis of Redemption alters the way in which a man looks at things. Prayer is not a question of altering things externally, but of working wonders in a man's disposition.

    Author: Oswald Chambers

Lord, where we are wrong, make us willing to change; where we are right, make us easy to live with.

    Author: Peter Marshall

Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better.
- Richard Hooker

    Author: Assorted Authors

Encouragement is awesome. It (can) actually change the course of another person's day, week, or life.

    Author: Chuck Swindoll

Human feelings change as the world changes. Their easy excitement can occasion a saint to lose his spiritual balance. Their constant disturbance can affect a believer's peace in his spirit.

    Author: Watchman Nee

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