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Dave Hunt Quotes

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    Dave Hunt on:    

Heaven has no place for the erroneous belief that Christ died because we are worth it. Christ's death in our place had nothing to do with our worth but with the depths of our sin, the demands made by God's justice, and His eternal glory.

    Topics: Self-esteem

The sad truth is that among today's evangelicals it is not loving and esteeming God but self-love and self-esteem that are presented as the pressing need!

    Topics: Self-love

The average person who claims to believe in God (as does the vast majority in America) is too preoccupied with himself to give God much time or serious thought.

    Topics: Selfishness, Apathy, America

If loving God with one's whole being is the greatest commandment, then not to do so must be the greatest sin--indeed, the root of all sin.

    Topics: Sin

Our love for God and our appreciation of His love and forgiveness will be in proportion to the recognition of our sin and unworthiness.

    Topics: Sin, Forgiveness

That the sinless Son of God must die upon the Cross to redeem us shouldn't make us feel good about ourselves but ashamed, for it was our sins that nailed Him there.

    Topics: The Cross

As you step into the battle for truth, God will supply all you need, and your faith will grow ever stronger in Him. The church needs more "Davids"--men and women ready to be used in defense of the truth against the "giants" of unbelief.

    Topics: Truth, Faith, Unbelief

Worship is not a repetitious exercise of rituals and formulas. These create a veil that actually prevents us from enjoying the presence of the Lord. Worship is the heart poured out in gratitude and awe, expressing our appreciation of who He is and what He has done for us by His grace through Jesus Christ.

    Topics: Worship, The Heart

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