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Dietrich Bonhoeffer Quotes

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    Dietrich Bonhoeffer on:    

If we are to pray aright, perhaps it is quite necessary that we pray contrary to our own heart. Not what we want to pray is important, but what God wants us to pray. The richness of the Word of God ought to determine our prayer, not the poverty of our heart.

    Topics: Prayer, Humility, The Heart

Prayer does not mean simply to pour out one's heart. It means rather to find the way to God and to speak with him, whether the heart is full or empty.

    Topics: Prayer, The Heart

It matters little what form of prayer we adopt or how many words we use. What matters is the faith which lays hold on God, knowing that He knows our needs before we even ask Him. That is what gives Christian prayer its boundless confidence and its joyous certainty.

    Topics: Prayer, Faith, Joy

The right way to pray is to stretch out our hands and ask of One who we know has the heart of a Father.

    Topics: Prayer

It is very easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements in comparison with what we owe others.

    Topics: Pride, Achievement

One's task is not to turn the world upside down, but to do what is necessary at the given place and with a due consideration of reality.

    Topics: Service

When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.

    Topics: Service, Humility

Sometimes we don't need another chance to express how we feel or to ask someone to understand our situation. Sometimes we just need a firm kick in the pants. An unsmiling expectation that if we mean all these wonderful things we talk about and sing about, then lets see something to prove it.

    Topics: Service

To endure the cross is not tragedy; it is the suffering which is the fruit of an exclusive allegiance to Jesus Christ.

    Topics: Suffering, Endurance, The Cross

We must learn to regard people less in light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer.

    Topics: Suffering

Temptations which accompany the working day will be conquered on the basis of the morning breakthrough to God. Decisions, demanded by work, become easier and simpler where they are made not in the fear of men, but only in the sight of God. He wants to give us today the power which we need for our work.

    Topics: Temptation, Prayer, Work

God's truth judges created things out of love, and Satan's truth judges them out of envy and hatred.

    Topics: Truth, Judging, Satan

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