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E.M. Bounds Quotes

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    E.M. Bounds on:    

Praying gives sense, brings wisdom, and broadens and strengthens the mind. The prayer closet is a perfect schoolteacher and schoolhouse for the preacher. Thought is not only brightened and clarified in prayer, but thought is born in prayer.

    Topics: Prayer, Preaching, Teachers

We can learn more in an hour praying, when praying indeed, than from many hours of rigorous study.

    Topics: Prayer

A holy life does not live in the closet, but it cannot live without the closet.

    Topics: Prayer, Holiness

Four things let us ever keep in mind: God hears prayer, God heeds prayer, God answers prayer, and God delivers by prayer.

    Topics: Prayer

Importunate praying is the earnest inward movement of the heart toward God.

    Topics: Prayer

Public prayers are of little worth unless they are founded on or followed up by private praying.

    Topics: Prayer

The story of every great Christian achievement is the history of answered prayer.

    Topics: Prayer

They are not leaders because of brilliancy. ...but because, by the power of prayer, they could command the power of God.

    Topics: Prayer, Power

The great truths of revelation are neither able to preach nor defend themselves. They must have soldier preachers who proclaim and defend them. They have never conquered as silent force, they have never won as a reserve corps.

    Topics: Preaching

To look back upon the progress of the divine kingdom upon earth is to review revival periods which have come like refreshing showers upon dry and thirsty ground, making the desert to blossom as the rose, and bringing new eras of spiritual life and activity just when the Church had fallen under the influence of the apathy of the times.

    Topics: Revival

Every mighty move of the Spirit of God has had its source in the prayer chamber.

    Topics: Revival, Prayer

The word of God is the food by which prayer is nourished and made strong.

    Topics: Scripture, Prayer

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