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Health Quotes

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    Health quotes by:    

It is in sickness that we most feel the need of that sympathy which shows how much we are dependent upon one another for our comfort, and even necessities. Thus disease, opening our eyes to the realities of life, is an indirect blessing.

    Author: Hosea Ballou

It may seem a strange principle to enunciate as the very first requirement in a hospital that it should do the sick no harm.

    Author: Florence Nightingale

She said the object and color in the materials around us actually have a physical effect on us, on how we feel.

    Author: Florence Nightingale

It is the greatest and dearest blessing that ever God gave to men, that they may repent; and therefore to deny or to delay it is to refuse health when brought by the skill of the physician - to refuse liberty offered to us by our gracious Lord.

    Author: Jeremy Taylor

Thou mayst as well expect to grow stronger by always eating as wiser by always reading. Too much overcharges nature, and turns more into disease than nourishment. 'Tis thought and digestion which make books serviceable, and give health and vigor to the mind.

    Author: Thomas Fuller

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

    Author: Thomas Fuller

Sickness is felt, but health not at all.

    Author: Thomas Fuller

The patient is not likely to recover who makes the doctor his heir.

    Author: Thomas Fuller

It unfortunately happens that no man believes that he is likely to die soon. So every one is much disposed to defer the consideration of what ought to be done on the supposition of such an emergency; and while nothing is so uncertain as human life, so nothing is so certain as our assurance that we shall survive most of our neighbors.

    Author: James H. Aughey

Few spirits are made better by the pain and languor of sickness; as few great pilgrims become eminent saints.

    Author: Thomas a Kempis

Numerous Christians do not know how to glorify God in their eating and drinking. They do not eat and drink simply to keep their body fit for the Lord's use but indulge to satisfy their personal desires. We should understand that the body is for the Lord and not for ourselves; hence we should refrain from using it for our pleasure. Food ought not hinder our fellowship with God since it is to be taken purely to preserve the body in health.

    Author: Watchman Nee

All excess is ill, but drunkenness is of the worst sort. It spoils health, dismounts the mind, and unmans men. It reveals secrets, is quarrelsome, lascivious, impudent, dangerous and bad.

    Author: William Penn

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