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Hell Quotes

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Hell is full of good meanings and wishings.

    Author: George Herbert

Disbelieve hell, and you unscrew, unsettle, and unpin everything in Scripture.

    Author: J.C. Ryle

Hell is paved with priest's skulls.

    Author: John Chrysostom

Then I saw that there was a way to Hell, even from the gates of Heaven.

    Author: John Bunyan

Hell is paved with good intentions.

    Author: Martin Luther

The national anthem of hell is, "I Did It My Way."
- Peter Kreeft

    Author: Assorted Authors

To consider persons and events and situations only in the light of their effect upon myself is to live on the doorstep of hell.

    Author: Thomas Merton

That the saints may enjoy their beatitude and the grace of God more abundantly they are permitted to see the punishment of the damned in hell.

    Author: Thomas Aquinas

None sink so far into hell as those that come nearest heaven, because they fall from the greatest heights.

    Author: William Gurnall

Hell is nothing else but nature departed or excluded from the beam of divine light.

    Author: William Law

The unsaved people will be cast into utter darkness forever.

    Author: Tim LaHaye

Don't say that a loving God is going to send you to hell - He's not. The thing that's going to send you to hell is that you're a sinner and you don't want to admit it.

    Author: J. Vernon McGee

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