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Henry Ward Beecher Quotes

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    Henry Ward Beecher on:    

A Christian is nothing but a sinful man who has put himself to school for Christ for the honest purpose of becoming better.

    Topics: Christians

If a man cannot be a Christian in the place where he is, he cannot be a Christian anywhere.

    Topics: Christians

A church debt is the devil's salary.

    Topics: Church, Finances

The Church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones.

    Topics: Church

Compassion will cure more sins than condemnation.

    Topics: Compassion

People may excite in themselves a glow of compassion, not by toasting their feet at the fire, and saying: "Lord, teach me compassion," but by going and seeking an object that requires compassion.

    Topics: Compassion

No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, enjoy today, mix good cheer with friends today enjoy it and bless God for it.

    Topics: Contentment

Of all escape mechanisms, death is the most efficient.

    Topics: Death

You have come into a hard world. I know of only one easy place in it, and that is the grave.

    Topics: Death

A helping word to one in trouble is often like a switch on a railroad track an inch between wreck and smooth, rolling prosperity.

    Topics: Encouragement, Helping, Prosperity

Your greatest pleasure is that which rebounds from hearts that you have made glad.

    Topics: Encouragement

Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.

    Topics: Examples

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