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Knowledge Quotes

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The first step towards knowledge is to know that we are ignorant.

    Author: Richard Cecil

Knowledge that terminates in curiosity and speculation is inferior to that which is useful; and of all useful knowledge that is the most so which consists in a due care and just notion of ourselves.
- Bernard of Clairvaux

    Author: Assorted Authors

No man can ever lack this mortification of his vanity, that what he knows is but a very little in comparison of what he is ignorant of. Consider this, and instead of boasting thy knowledge of a few things, confess and be out of countenance for the many more which thou dost not understand.

    Author: Thomas a Kempis

But because many endeavor to get knowledge rather than to live well, they are often deceived and reap little or no benefit from their labor.

    Author: Thomas a Kempis

Every man naturally desires knowledge; but what good is knowledge without fear of God? Indeed a humble rustic who serves God is better than a proud intellectual who neglects his soul to study the course of the stars.

    Author: Thomas a Kempis

Knowledge without repentance will be but a torch to light men to hell.

    Author: Thomas Watson

Christians nowadays generally are lacking in two kinds of knowledge: (I) a knowledge of the conditions by which evil spirits work; and (2) a knowledge of the principle of spiritual life.

    Author: Watchman Nee

When one tries to increase his knowledge by doing mental gymnastics over books without waiting upon God and looking to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, his soul is plainly in full swing. This will deplete his spiritual life. Because the fall of man was occasioned by seeking knowledge, God uses the foolishness of the cross to "destroy the wisdom of the wise."

    Author: Watchman Nee

Genuine spiritual knowledge lies not in wonderful and mysterious thoughts but in actual spiritual experience through union of the believer's life with truth.

    Author: Watchman Nee

The fall of man was due to the love of knowledge and of wisdom. Satan is employing the same tactic today in order to retain the believer's soul as his operative center.

    Author: Watchman Nee

Many of the Lord's people currently commit the same error as did the saints at Corinth. The words of the Lord are spirit and life, but these people do not accept the words accordingly. They investigate theological problems with a very cold mind and search the hidden meaning of the Bible with the design of presenting the best interpretation. They satisfy their lust for knowledge.

    Author: Watchman Nee

It is difficult to estimate how much of the world's philosophy, ethics, knowledge, research, and science flow from the powers of darkness. But of one point we are certain: all arguments and proud obstacles against the knowledge of God are the fortresses of the enemy.

    Author: Watchman Nee

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