Laughter Quotes Page 1 of 2 CHRISTIAN QUOTES ON Laughter. Part of a large selection of Christian quotes and sayings in a variety of topics by famous people, authors, theologians, pastors, preachers, teachers, and other notable Christians.
Man appears for a little while to laugh and weep, to work and play, and then to go to make room for those who shall follow him in the never-ending cycle. Author: A.W. Tozer | You cannot study pleasure in the moment of the nuptial embrace, nor repentance while repenting, nor analyze the nature of humour while roaring with laughter. Author: C.S. Lewis | Of that intimate laughter between fellow professionals, which of all earthly powers is strongest to make men do very bad things before they are yet, individually, very bad men. Author: C.S. Lewis | Beware of him who hates the laugh of a child. Author: Henry Ward Beecher | Laugh at your friends, and if your friends are sore; So much the better, you may laugh the more. Author: Henry Ward Beecher | Laughter is day, and sobriety is night; a smile is the twilight that hovers gently between both, more bewitching than either. Author: Henry Ward Beecher |
| Laughter is not a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is the best ending for one. Author: Henry Ward Beecher | When a man laughs at his troubles he loses a great many friends. They never forgive the loss of their prerogative. Author: Francis Bacon | It is not funny that anything else should fall down; only that a man should fall down. Why do we laugh? Because it is a gravely religious matter: it is the Fall of Man. Only man can be absurd: for only man can be dignified. Author: G.K. Chesterton | One can know a man from his laugh, and if you like a man's laugh before you know anything of him, you may confidently say that he is a good man. Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky | Whatever you laugh at in others, laughs at yourself. Author: Harry Emerson Fosdick | Laughing, if loud, ends in a deep sigh; and all pleasures have a sting in the tail, though they carry beauty on the face. Author: Jeremy Taylor |
