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Life Quotes

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I can do no other than be reverent before everything that is called life. I can do no other than to have compassion for all that is called life. That is the beginning and the foundation of all ethics.

    Author: Albert Schweitzer

If a man loses his reverence for any part of life, he will lose his reverence for all of life.

    Author: Albert Schweitzer

Let me give you a definition of ethics: It is good to maintain and further life it is bad to damage and destroy life.

    Author: Albert Schweitzer

Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier.

    Author: Albert Schweitzer

Reverence for life affords me my fundamental principle of morality.

    Author: Albert Schweitzer

Reverence for life is the highest court of appeal.

    Author: Albert Schweitzer

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.

    Author: Albert Schweitzer

The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives.

    Author: Albert Schweitzer

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.

    Author: Albert Schweitzer

We are all so much together, but we are all dying of loneliness.

    Author: Albert Schweitzer

If we live good lives, the times are also good. As we are, such are the times.

    Author: Augustine

We are certainly in a common class with the beasts; every action of animal life is concerned with seeking bodily pleasure and avoiding pain.

    Author: Augustine

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