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Madame Guyon Quotes

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    Madame Guyon on:    

Who can comprehend the extent of that supreme homage which is due to the will of God?

    Topics: Praise

Prayer is the key of perfection and of sovereign happiness; it is the efficacious means of getting rid of all vices and of acquiring all virtues; for the way to become perfect is to live in the presence of God.

    Topics: Prayer

I have never found any who prayed so well as those who had never been taught how. They who have no master in man, have one in the Holy Spirit.

    Topics: Prayer, Holy Spirit

He who has a pure heart will never cease to pray; and he who will be constant in prayer, shall know what it is to have a pure heart.

    Topics: Prayer, The Heart

Reason should not undertake to comprehend the last destructions; they are ordained expressly to destroy our reason.

    Topics: Reasoning

When thou canst not find thyself, nor any good, then rejoice that all things are rendered unto God.

    Topics: Service

He who has learned to seek nothing but the will of God, shall always find what he seeks.

    Topics: Service

God is so great and so independent, that He can find means to glorify Himself even by sin.

    Topics: Sin

It is harder to die to our virtues than to our vices; but the one is just as necessary as the other for perfect union. Our attachments are the stronger as they are more spiritual.

    Topics: Virtue

Why should we complain that we have been stripped of the divine virtues, if we had not hidden them away as our own? Why should we complain of a loss, if we had no property in the thing lost? or why does deprivation give us so much pain, except because of the appropriation we had made of that which was taken away?

    Topics: Virtue

Some saints have been sanctified by the easy and determined practice of all the virtues, but there are others who owe their sanctification to having endured with perfect resignation the privation of every virtue.

    Topics: Virtue, Endurance, Sanctification

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