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Richard Baxter Quotes

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    Richard Baxter on:    

You little know what you have done, when you have first broke the bounds of modesty; you have set open the door of your fancy to the devil, so that he can, almost at his pleasure ever after, represent the same sinful pleasure to you anew; he hath now access to your fancy to stir up lustful thoughts and desires, so that when you should think of your calling, of your God, or of your soul, your thoughts will be worse than swinish, upon the filth that is not fit to be named. If the devil here get in a foot, he will not easily be got out.

    Topics: Lust, Modesty

Though selfishness hath defiled the whole man, yet sensual pleasure is the chief part of its interest, and, therefore, by the senses it commonly works; and these are the doors and windows by which iniquity entereth into the soul.

    Topics: Lust

Keep up your conjugal love in constant heat and vigor.

    Topics: Marriage

Lord, whatever you want, wherever you want it, and whenever you want it, that's what I want.

    Topics: Obedience

I have pain; but I have peace, I have peace.

    Topics: Peace

Prayer is the breath of the new creature.

    Topics: Prayer

Prayer must carry on our work as much as preaching; he preacheth not heartily to his people that will not pray for them.

    Topics: Prayer, Preaching

I preached as never sure to preach again, and as a dying man to dying men.

    Topics: Preaching

The more perfect the sight is the more delightful the beautiful object. The more perfect the appetite, the sweeter the food. The more musical the ear, the more pleasant the melody. The more perfect the soul, the more joyous the joys of heaven and the more glorious that glory.

    Topics: Reasoning, Beauty

He that lives in the kingdom of sense, shall die in the kingdom of sorrow.

    Topics: Reasoning

Naturally, men are prone to spin themselves a web of opinions out of their own brain, and to have a religion that may be called their own. They are far readier to make themselves a faith, than to receive that which God hath formed to their hands; are far readier to receive a doctrine that tends to their carnal commodity, or honor, or delight, than one that tends to self-denial.

    Topics: Self-denial, Religion, Carnality

He was the bravest citizen of Rome that did most love and best serve his country; and he the saint among the Jews who most loved Zion.

    Topics: Service

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