Robert H. Schuller Quotes Page 1 of 4 Robert H. Schuller
Robert Harold Schuller is an American televangelist, pastor, and author known around the world through his weekly Hour of Power television broadcast. He is the founder of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California, where the Hour of Power program originates.
Schuller was born a few miles outside of Alton, Iowa to a family of Dutch ancestry and, after finishing his studies at Hope College and Western Theological Seminary, was ordained as a minister in the Reformed Church in America.
Strongly influenced by his mentor, Norman Vincent Peale, Schuller has chosen to focus on what he believes are the positive aspects of the Christian faith. He deliberately avoids condemning people for sin, and he encourages Christians (and non-Christians) to achieve great things through God, uplifting theology and positive thinking.
Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly. Topics: Achievement | Every person is responsible for all the good within the scope of his abilities, and for no more, and none can tell whose sphere is the largest. Topics: Achievement | Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive. Topics: Achievement, Goals | Goals must never be from your ego, but problems that cry for a solution. Topics: Achievement, Goals | It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow. Topics: Achievement | Never bring the problem solving stage into the decision making stage. Otherwise, you surrender yourself to the problem rather than the solution. Topics: Achievement, Surrender |
| Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation. Topics: Achievement | The hardest struggle of all is to be something different from what the average man is. Topics: Achievement, Perseverance, Struggles | Today's accomplishments were yesterday's impossibilities. Topics: Achievement | What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? Topics: Achievement | Winning starts with beginning. Topics: Achievement | You can often measure a person by the size of his dream. Topics: Achievement |
