Sanctification Quotes Page 1 of 3 CHRISTIAN QUOTES ON Sanctification. Part of a large selection of Christian quotes and sayings in a variety of topics by famous people, authors, theologians, pastors, preachers, teachers, and other notable Christians.
We believe, that the work of regeneration, conversion, sanctification and faith, is not an act of man's free will and power, but of the mighty, efficacious and irresistable grace of God. Author: Charles Spurgeon | Saving faith is an immediate relation to Christ, accepting, receiving, resting upon Him alone, for justification, sanctification, and eternal life by virtue of God's grace. Author: Charles Spurgeon | The faith which has not a sanctifying influence on the character is no better than the faith of devils. It is a "dead faith, because it is alone." Author: J.C. Ryle | [Faith] doth not, as doth unbelief and ignorance, show us all things out of order; putting darkness for light, and bitter for sweet; but will set every thing in its proper place before our eyes; God and Christ shall be with it, the chiefest good, the most lovely and amiable; a heavenly life shall be of greater esteem, and more desirable, than all the treasures of Egypt! Righteousness and sanctification will be the thing after which it will most vehemently press; because it seeth not only death and damnation as the fruits of sin, but sin also in itself, distinct from the punishment belonging to it, a detestable, horrible, and odious thing. Author: John Bunyan | When Eve was brought unto Adam, he became filled with the Holy Spirit, and gave her the most sanctified, the most glorious of appellations. He called her Eva, that is to say, the Mother of All. He did not style her wife, but simply mother, mother of all living creatures. In this consists the glory and the most precious ornament of woman. Author: Martin Luther | Sanctified afflictions are like so many artificers working on a pious man's crown to make it more bright and massive. - Ralph Cudworth Author: Assorted Authors |
| There are three things which the true Christian desires in respect to sin: Justification, that it may not condemn; sanctification, that it may not reign; and glorification, that it may not be. Author: Richard Cecil | Let no man join us who is afraid, and we want none but those who are saved, sanctified and aflame with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Author: Samuel Chadwick | Where science speaks of improvement, Christianity speaks of renovation; where science speaks of development, Christianity speaks of sanctification; where science of progress, Christianity speaks of perfection. Author: James H. Aughey | God's hearing of our prayers doth not depend upon sanctification, but upon Christ's intercession; not upon what we are in ourselves, but what' we are in the Lord Jesus; both our persons and our prayers are acceptable in the beloved [Eph 1.6]. Author: Thomas Brooks | The inner change, justification, is effected at the moment of salvation. The outer change in the believer's daily walk, sanctification, continues throughout life. But the progressive work of sanctification is only fully effective when the radical, inner transformation of justification is realized and appropriated by faith. Author: Neil T. Anderson | The sanctified body is one whose hands are clean. The stain of dishonesty is not on them, the withering blight of ill-gotten gain has not blistered them, the mark of violence is not found upon them. They have been separated from every occupation that could displease God or injure a fellow-man. Author: A.B. Simpson |
