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Service Quotes

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    Service quotes by:    

Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.

    Author: Peter Marshall

An ounce of cheerfulness is worth a pound of sadness to serve God with.

    Author: Thomas Fuller

The greatest man living may stand in need of the meanest, as much as the meanest does of him.

    Author: Thomas Fuller

Policy consists in serving God in such a manner as not to offend the devil.

    Author: Thomas Fuller

A small demerit extinguishes a long service.

    Author: Thomas Fuller

The amount of time we spend with Jesus - meditating on His Word and His majesty, seeking His face - establishes our fruitfulness in the kingdom.

    Author: Charles Stanley

We can do more good by being good than in any other way.
- Rowland Hill

    Author: Assorted Authors

He was the bravest citizen of Rome that did most love and best serve his country; and he the saint among the Jews who most loved Zion.

    Author: Richard Baxter

If it were only the exercise of the body, the moving of the lips, the bending of the knee, men would as commonly step to heaven as they go to visit a friend: but to separate our thoughts and affections from the world, to draw forth all our graces, and engage each in its proper object, and to hold them to it till the work prospers in our hands, this, this is the difficulty.

    Author: Richard Baxter

Duties are ours, events are God's. This removes an infinite burden from the shoulders of a miserable, tempted, dying creature. On this consideration only can he securely lay down his head and close his eyes.

    Author: Richard Cecil

A good many are kept out of the service of Christ, deprived of the luxury of working for God, because they are trying to do some great thing. Let us be willing to do little things. And let us remember that nothing is small in which God is the source.

    Author: D.L. Moody

As our Father makes many a flower to bloom unseen in the lonely desert, [let us] do all that we can do, as under God's eye, though no other eye ever take note of it.

    Author: Hudson Taylor

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