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Sin Quotes

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The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.

    Author: D.L. Moody

The 'frankness' of people sunk below shame is a very cheap frankness.

    Author: C.S. Lewis
    Source: The Problem of Pain

We have a strange illusion that mere time cancels sin. But mere time does nothing either to the fact or to the guilt of a sin.

    Author: C.S. Lewis
    Source: The Problem of Pain

Every uncorrected error and unrepented sin is, in its own right, a fountain of fresh error and fresh sin flowing on to the end of time.

    Author: C.S. Lewis

All men alike stand condemned, not by alien codes of ethics, but by their own, and all men therefore are conscious of guilt.

    Author: C.S. Lewis
    Source: The Problem of Pain

Every sin is the distortion of an energy breathed into us.

    Author: C.S. Lewis
    Source: Letters to Malcolm

We poison the wine as He decants it into us; murder a melody He would play with us as the instrument. Hence all sin, whatever else it is, is sacrilege.

    Author: C.S. Lewis
    Source: Letters to Malcolm

Of that intimate laughter between fellow professionals, which of all earthly powers is strongest to make men do very bad things before they are yet, individually, very bad men.

    Author: C.S. Lewis

The extremity of its evil had passed beyond all struggle into some state which bore a horrible similarity to innocence.

    Author: C.S. Lewis

This act of self-will on the part of the creature, which constitutes an utter falseness to its true creaturely position, is the only sin that can be conceived as the Fall.

    Author: C.S. Lewis
    Source: The Problem of Pain

We are all fallen creatures and all very hard to live with.

    Author: C.S. Lewis

I think we all sin by needlessly disobeying the apostolic injunction to "rejoice" as much as by anything else.

    Author: C.S. Lewis

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