T.D. Jakes Quotes Page 1 of 5 T. D. Jakes 1957- Thomas Dexter "T. D." Jakes Sr. is an American entrepreneur and chief pastor of the The Potter's House, a non-denominational megachurch, with 30,000 members, located in Dallas, Texas. Jakes is a charismatic speaker and preacher whose sermons are broadcast nationally and internationally over television and satellite television. Jakes is also a prolific author and has written over 30 books, many of which have been featured on the New York Times best-selling list. Jakes is also a songwriter, a playwright, and performer. He founded a Christian record label (Dexterity Sounds) as well as a theater and movie production company as well as a theater and movie production company.
You face your greatest opposition when your closest to your biggest miracle. Topics: Adversity, Miracles | Your latter days are supposed to be greater than your former days. Topics: Age | All over this nation, all over this world there are people going to church today and they say they are believers, but until you can take what you've been taught and bring it to the place you gave up--you will never be the radical believer that you need to be for the times in which we live. Topics: America, Church, Believing | All of us have not been to a natural prison, but everybody in here has had a spiritual prison. Topics: Apathy | If your in anything and never wanted to quit it--your not in much. Topics: Apathy | It is God's objective to make your condition line up with your position. Topics: Believing |
| You are no stronger than your belief system. Topics: Believing, Strength | Isn't it funny how something that will later be a blessing can be a curse if you get it too soon. Topics: Blessings | You don't have to sin to be carnal. People who are carnal just means they make all their decisions based on their senses. Topics: Carnality | It is possible for you to get a grip on the thing that used to have a grip on you. And instead of it controlling you--you are now controlling it. Topics: Character | Anything that does not affect your destiny is up to you. Topics: Choices | It does matter where you go to church, it does matter where you worship, it does matter where you lift your head, it does matter where you cry out to God. There is something about the atmosphere. I might be lame, but put me in the atmosphere. I may be drunk, but put me in the atmosphere. I may be weak, but put me in the atmosphere. Topics: Church, Worship |
