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Thomas Brooks Quotes

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    Thomas Brooks on:    

Let those be thy choicest companions who have made Christ their chief companion.

    Topics: Friendship

It is not he who knows most, nor he who hears most, nor yet he who talks most, but he who exercises grace most, who has most communion with God.

    Topics: God

It is the very nature of grace to make a man strive to be most eminent in that particular grace which is most opposed to his bosom sin.

    Topics: Grace, Struggles

There is no such way to attain to greater measures of grace, as for a man to live up to that little grace he has.

    Topics: Grace

As heat is opposed to cold, and light to darkness, so grace is opposed to sin. Fire and water may as well agree in the same vessel, as grace and sin in the same heart.

    Topics: Grace, Sin

You may as soon fill a bag with wisdom, a chest with virtue, or a circle with a triangle, as the heart of man with anything here below. A man may have enough of the world to sink him, but he can never have enough to satisfy him.

    Topics: Greed

Faith is the champion of grace, and love the nurse; but humility is the beauty of grace.

    Topics: Humility, Faith, Grace

God hears no more than the heart speaks; and if the heart be dumb, God will certainly be deaf.

    Topics: Humility

'My sin is ever before me' [Psalm 51.3]. A humble soul sees that he can stay no more from sin, than the heart can from panting, and the pulse from beating. He sees his heart and life to be fuller of sin, than the firmament is of stars; and this keeps him low. He sees that sin is so bred in the bone, that till his bones, as Joseph's, be carried out of the Egypt of this world, it will not out. Though sin and grace were never born together, and though they shall not die together, yet while the believer lives, these two must live together; and this keeps him humble.

    Topics: Humility

How many threadbare souls are to be found under silken cloaks and gowns!

    Topics: Hypocrisy

An idle life and a holy heart is a contradiction.

    Topics: Idleness, The Heart

Oh, is the Lord Jesus Christ a believer's life? Why, then, let no believer be disquieted, nor overwhelmed and dejected, for any loss or for any sorrow or suffering that he meets with for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake. Oh, what should a man then do for Jesus Christ, who is his life!

    Topics: Jesus, Service

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