Tribulation Quotes Page 1 of 1 CHRISTIAN QUOTES ON Tribulation. Part of a large selection of Christian quotes and sayings in a variety of topics by famous people, authors, theologians, pastors, preachers, teachers, and other notable Christians. Tribulations cannot cease until God either sees us remade or sees that our remaking is now hopeless. Author: C.S. Lewis Source: The Problem of Pain | God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain. Author: C.S. Lewis | If there were no tribulation, there would be no rest; if there were no winter, there would be no summer. Author: John Chrysostom | If a Christian is not having tribulation in the world, there's something wrong! Author: Leonard Ravenhill | There is no man in this world without some manner of tribulation or anguish, though he be king or pope. Author: Thomas a Kempis | "Tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope." That is the order. You cannot put patience and experience into a parenthesis, and, omitting them, bring hope out of tribulation. Author: Alexander MacLaren |
| Troubled soul, the "much tribulation" will soon be over, and as you enter the "kingdom of God" you shall then see, no longer "through a glass darkly" but in the unshadowed sunlight of the Divine presence, that "all things" did "work together" for your personal and eternal good. Author: A.W. Pink | Anyone who serves the Lord is going to be the target of Satan's attacks. Author: Zac Poonen | A tribulation gives you the opportunity to test a truth you have always believed. Author: Jack Hyles |
