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Walter J. Chantry Quotes

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       Walter J. Chantry
       Walt was born in 1938 in Norristown, Pennsylvania. He was raised in the Presbyterian church and was converted to Christ as a teenager. He graduated from Dickinson College in 1960 with a B.A. in History, and went on to receive a B.D. from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1963. That same year he was called to be pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Carlisle, Pennsylvania where he served his Lord for the next 39 years. Soon after his retirement in 2002 he was asked to be the editor of Banner Of Truth Magazine and continues in that capacity to this day.
       Long before John MacArthur started the "Lordship salvation" war men such as Chantry warned that the gospel message was being watered down by an easy believeism that gutted the gospel of its true message. Chantry declares that, "Differences between much of today's preaching and that of Jesus are not petty; they are enormous. The chief errors are not in emphasis or approach but in the heart of the Gospel message."

    Walter J. Chantry on:    

God never forces men to act against their wills. By workings of outward providence or of inward grace, the Lord may change men's minds, but He will not coerce a human being into thoughts, words or actions.

    Topics: Change
    Source: Man's Will-Free Yet Bound, The Banner of Truth magazine, Issue 140

It is not enough to ask yourself, "Does God's Word permit me to use these good things of the world?" You must also inquire, "Will it serve the glory of God?" and, "Will it edify my fellow Christians?"

    Topics: Choices
    Source: The Shadow of the Cross - Studies in Self-Denial

When a sinner refuses to come to Christ, he is guilty because he has made a free choice. It reflects his own state of mind, feeling and attitude toward GOD and His Son. He has acted voluntarily without coercion. It is his decision.

    Topics: Choices
    Source: Man's Will-Free Yet Bound, The Banner of Truth magazine, Issue 140

There is something childish and legalistic about churches in which all of the saints observe precisely the same standards. When all lives begin to sink into the same mould of denial and exercise of liberty, something is amiss.

    Topics: Church, Liberty, Legalism
    Source: The Shadow of the Cross - Studies in Self-Denial

Failure to see Jesus Christ as the final revelation of truth is a major error that will open the door of the church to a multitude of heresies, taught in the name of truth. Every true movement initiated by the Spirit of God leads men back to the words of Christ which were inscripturated by His own inspiration.

    Topics: Heresy
    Source: Signs of the Apostles, 1976, p. 35-37

Our Good Shepherd has become the model for under-shepherds. His great concern is the good of the sheep. A good shepherd gives himself to the sheep. A thief comes to get something form the flock - wool or mutton. Jesus our Lord made every personal claim subservient to the blessing of his flock; even to giving His life that they might live.

    Topics: Jesus
    Source: The Shadow of the Cross - Studies in Self-Denial

The only lasting and fully satisfying joys for any man lie on the other side of a cross.

    Topics: Joy
    Source: The Shadow of the Cross - Studies in Self-Denial

Most of those who fail to experience the joy of the Lord have refused to take up a cross!

    Topics: Joy

Christian liberty then does not teach that there are things in the world in which you are free to indulge yourself. It does not suggest that you may do anything you wish with God's creation. But it teaches that there are things which you are free to enjoy and use as you serve the Lord.

    Topics: Liberty
    Source: The Shadow of the Cross - Studies in Self-Denial

Liberty may be an instrument for giving glory to the Most High, or it may be a curtain used to shield base indulgence of the flesh (I Peter 2:16). You may discover by self-examination of your heart which function liberty serves in your life.

    Topics: Liberty
    Source: The Shadow of the Cross - Studies in Self-Denial

If you have never felt your soul poured out before the Lord with a consequent exhaustion, it is doubtful whether you have advanced far in the school of prayer.

    Topics: Prayer
    Source: The Shadow of the Cross - Studies in Self-Denial

Some preachers never appreciate the compliment given them when a saint disagrees with the pastor's exposition of a text. At least the Christian under his care is devoted more to Scripture than to the man in the pulpit. Under his ministry the child of God has reached a maturity to think through issues for himself and has imbibed a Berean spirit (Acts 17:11).

    Topics: Preaching, Scripture
    Source: The Shadow of the Cross - Studies in Self-Denial

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