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William Gurnall Quotes

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    William Gurnall on:    

Sin disabled man to keep God's law, but it doth not enfranchise or disoblige him that he need not keep it.

    Topics: Sin, Obedience

If thou dost not stumble at this stone, the devil hath another at hand to throw in the way. He is not so unskillful a fowler as to go with one single shot into the field; and therefore expect him, as soon as he hath discharged one, and missed thee, to let fly at thee with a second.

    Topics: Struggles
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

Paul was Nero's prisoner, but Nero was much more God's.

    Topics: Suffering

We are bid to take, not to make our cross.

    Topics: Suffering, The Cross

The sins of teachers are the teachers of sin.

    Topics: Teachers, Sin

To tempt another is worse than to sin thyself. When you tempt, you do that which you cannot undo with your repentance.

    Topics: Temptation

No, the Christian must stand fixed to his principles, and not change his habit; but freely show what countryman he is by his holy constancy in the truth.

    Topics: Truth

Truth with self-denial is a better pennyworth, than error with all its flesh-pleasing.

    Topics: Truth, Self-denial

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