William Secker Quotes Page 1 of 2 William Secker
William Secker preached at Tewkesbury and afterwards at All-Hallows, London Wall. He may have been the William Secker who was appointed rector of Leigh, Essex, on 30 Aug. 1667, and died there before November 1681.
Secker's sermon on 'A Wedding Ring fit for the Finger, or the Salve of Divinity on the Sore of Humanity, laid open at a Wedding in St. Edmunds, London, 1658, 12mo, was very popular, and was often reprinted. It was translated into Welsh.
Secker also dedicated to Sir Edward and Lady Frances Barkham of Tottenham, who had befriended him, a volume of sermons entitled 'The Nonsuch Professor' (London, 1660, 8vo). It was several times reprinted in America.
There are some things good but not pleasant, as sorrow and affliction. Sin is pleasant, but unprofitable; and sorrow is profitable, but unpleasant. As waters are purest when they are in motion, so saints are generally holiest when in affliction. Topics: Affliction Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury | Until we taste the bitterness of our own misery we will never relish the sweetness of God's mercy. Until we see how foul our sins have made us we will never pay our tribute of praise to Christ for washing us... If you would know the heart of your sin then you must know the sins of your heart! Topics: Bitterness, Mercy, The Heart Source: The Consistent Christian, 1660. | By fasting, the body learns to obey the soul; by praying the soul learns to command the body. Topics: Fasting Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury | It was the saying of a heathen though no heathenish saying, "That he who would be good, must either have a faithful friend to instruct him, or a watchful enemy to correct him. Topics: Friendship Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury | Wherefore doth the Lord make your cup run over, but that other men's lips might taste the liquor? The showers that fall upon the highest mountains, should glide into the lowest valleys. "Give, and it shall be given you", is a maxim little believed. Topics: Giving | Grace is not such a beggarly visitant, as will not pay its own way. When the best of beings is adored, the best of blessings are enjoyed. Topics: Grace |
| A true Christian stands at as great distance from trusting in the best of his services as in the worst of his sins! He knows that the greatest part of his holiness will not make the least part of his justifying righteousness. Topics: Holiness Source: The Consistent Christian, 1660. | Many blush to confess their faults, who never blush to commit them. Topics: Hypocrisy, Confession Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury | I would neither have you be idle in duties - nor make an idol of duties. Topics: Idleness, Idolatry Source: The Consistent Christian, 1660. | It is better to be a wooden vessel filled with wine, that a golden one filled with water. Topics: Inspiration | Ah, how would natural men soar to heaven - upon the pinions of their own merit! The sunbeams of Divine justice - will soon melt such weak and wax wings! Topics: Justice Source: The Consistent Christian, 1660. | Though Christians be not kept altogether from falling, yet they are kept from falling altogether. Topics: Mercy Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury |
