God is looking for willing hearts... God has no favorites. You do not have to be special, but you have to be available. Topics: Obedience |
Many do not recognize the call of God simply because they have never taken the time to really talk with Him long enough to know what He is like. Topics: Prayer |
Preach from the rights of God rather than the needs of man. Topics: Preaching |
No matter how high the powers of reason, no matter how deep the intellect, no one can discover God's secret messages without paying the cost of true discipleship. Topics: Reasoning, Discipleship |
Intellectual deception always follows moral rejection. Topics: Rebellion, Deception |
Revival brings back a holy shock to apathy and carelessness. Topics: Revival, Apathy |
No other work of man in any language even faintly resembles the intricate structure and design of the Bible. The fact remains - only an infinite mind could have devised this Book of books. Topics: The Bible |
God has guarded His Word so that only the pure in heart can see its secrets. All other efforts will fail. Topics: The Bible, Purity |
Trust God or die. Topics: Trust |
God does not guide those who want to run their own life. He only guides those who admit their need of His direction and rely on His wisdom. Topics: Trust |
Unless you have a rock-solid commitment to truth, the Bible won't change your life - it will only be so many words in a sea of words. Topics: Truth, The Bible |
Every day you are witnessing. What are you witnessing to? Your witness is the total package of your attitudes, character, and actions. It does not lie. Topics: Witnessing |