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Adoniram Judson Quotes

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       Adoniram Judson
       Adoniram Judson, Jr. was a Baptist missionary from the United States who labored for almost forty years in Burma. At the age of 25, Adoniram Judson was the first Protestant missionary sent from North America to preach in Burma. His mission and work led to the formation of the first Baptist association in America, inspired many Americans to become or support missionaries, translated the Bible into Burmese, and established a number of Baptist churches in Burma.
       He is sometimes mistakenly referred to as the "first missionary to Burma", but he was actually preceded by James Chater and Richard Mardon who arrived in 1807. They were followed by Felix Carey. However, since those who came earlier did not remain very long, Judson is remembered as the first significant missionary there, as well as one of the group of the very first missionaries from America to travel overseas.

    Adoniram Judson on:    

Let me beg you, not to rest contented with the commonplace religion that is now so prevalent.

    Topics: Apathy, Religion

O slow of heart to believe and trust in the constant presence and overruling agency of our almighty Saviour!

    Topics: Apathy, Ignorance

After many painful trials, which none can know, but those who are taught to relinquish a system in which they had been educated, I settled down in the full persuasion, that the immersion of a professing believer in Christ is the only Christian baptism.

    Topics: Baptism

Thanks be to God, not--only for 'rivers of endless joys above, but for 'rills of comfort here below.'

    Topics: Comfort

If God gave light and wisdom, the religion of Jesus was soon learned; but without God, a man might study all his life long, and make no proficiency.

    Topics: Light, God

Do not the successes which have crowned some missionary exertions seem like the dawn of morning on the east? O! that this region of Egyptian darkness may ere long participate in the vivifying beams of light.

    Topics: Missions

The motto of every missionary, whether preacher, printer, or schoolmaster, ought to be "Devoted for life."

    Topics: Missions

Nothing is impossible,' said one of the seven sages of Greece, 'to industry.' Let us change the word, 'industry,' to 'persevering prayer,' and the motto will be more Christian and more worthy of universal adoption.

    Topics: Prayer

God loves importunate prayer so much that He will not give us much blessing without it.

    Topics: Prayer, Perseverance

God answers all true prayer, either in kind or in kindness.

    Topics: Prayer

Our prayers run along one road and God's answers by another, and by and by they meet.

    Topics: Prayer

It is true that we may desire much more. But let us use what we have, and God will give us more.

    Topics: Providence

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