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Adversity Quotes

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A pure heart won't get us out of conflict and controversy. It may well be the very thing that gets us into it.

    Author: John Hagee

Adversity is hard to endure, and can even be harder to understand. If God were really in control, why would He allow the tragic auto accident or crucial job loss? How could He permit cancer in a loved one or the death of a child? Grappling with His concern for us we ask, "Why is God allowing this?" or "What have I done wrong?

    Author: Jerry Bridges

I realize anew that, just as we must learn to obey God one choice at a time, we must also learn to trust God one circumstance at a time. Trusting God is not a matter of my feelings but of my will. I never feel like trusting God when adversity strikes, but I can choose to do so even when I don't feel like it. That act of the will, though, must be based on belief, and belief must be based on truth.

    Author: Jerry Bridges

For the believer all pain has meaning; all adversity is profitable. There is no question that adversity is difficult. It usually takes us by surprise and seems to strike where we are most vulnerable. To us it often appears completely senseless and irrational, but to God none of it is either senseless or irrational. He has a purpose in every pain He brings or allows in our lives. We can be sure that in some way He intends it for our profit and His glory.

    Author: Jerry Bridges

You don't know how much you've grown--until trouble comes back for an encore.

    Author: T.D. Jakes

You face your greatest opposition when your closest to your biggest miracle.

    Author: T.D. Jakes

Prayer will get you out of a pinch, prayer will get you out of a crises, prayer will get you out of your dilemma, prayer will get you out of your trouble.

    Author: T.D. Jakes

Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.

    Author: Max Lucado

People are usually better in adversity, than prosperity. A prosperous condition is not always so safe. True, it is more pleasing to the flesh - but it is not always best. In a prosperous state, there is more burden. Many look at the shining and glittering of prosperity - but not at the burdens of prosperity.

    Author: Thomas Watson
    Source: The Lord's Prayer.

You will never find Jesus so precious as when the world is one vast howling wilderness. Then he is like a rose blooming in the midst of the desolation, a rock rising above the storm.

    Author: Robert Murray McCheyne

Therefore, I bind these lies and slanderous accusations to my person as an ornament; it belongs to my Christian profession to be vilified, slandered, reproached and reviled, and since all this is nothing but that, as God and my conscience testify, I rejoice in being reproached for Christ's sake.

    Author: John Bunyan

If you have no opposition in the place you serve, you're serving in the wrong place.

    Author: G. Campbell Morgan

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