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Faith Quotes

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Faith is asking. Faith is believing. Faith is doubting. Faith is stepping out anyway.

    Author: Jack Hyles

Living by faith is believing that God knows what is best for me.

    Author: Jack Hyles

Faith is made up of belief and trust. Many people believe God, but they do not trust themselves into His keeping and care; consequently, they are filled with worry and fear.

    Author: Lee Roberson

In all true faith there is complete committal to God.

    Author: Lee Roberson

I prayed for faith and thought that some day faith would come down and strike me like lightning. But faith did not seem to come. One day I read in the tenth chapter of Romans, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." I had up to this time closed my Bible and prayed for faith. I now opened my Bible and began to study, and faith has been growing ever since.

    Author: D.L. Moody

Real true faith is man's weakness leaning on God's strength.

    Author: D.L. Moody

There are three kinds of faith in Christ: 1. Struggling faith, like a man in deep water desperately swimming. 2. Clinging faith, like a man hanging to the side of a boat. 3. Resting faith, like a man safely within the boat (and able to reach out with a hand to help someone else get in).

    Author: D.L. Moody

How can we hope to retain our freedom through the generations if we fail to teach our young that our liberty springs from an abiding faith in our Creator?

    Author: Jonathan Falwell

Any fool can write learned language. The vernacular is the real test. If you can't turn your faith into it, then you either don't understand it or you don't believe it.

    Author: C.S. Lewis

"But," say others, "God has elected them on the foresight of their faith." Now, God gives faith, therefore He could not have elected them on account of faith which He foresaw.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon

A faith which works not for purification will work for putrefaction. Unless our faith makes us pine after holiness, it is no better than the faith of devils, and perhaps it is not even so good as that. A holy man is the workmanship of the Holy Spirit.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon

Faith and works are bound up in the same bundle. He that obeys God trusts God; and he that trusts God obeys God. He that is without faith is without works; and he that is without works is without faith.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon

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