Gipsy Smith Quotes Page 1 of 1 Gipsy Smith
Rodney "Gipsy" Smith (sometimes Gypsy Smith) was a British evangelist. Gipsy Smith was born in England. His mother died when he was a small boy. His father led him to Christ at the age of 15. Two years later, Smith joined General William Booth's mission, and began preaching to crowds that numbered from 100 to 1,500. He conducted evangelistic campaigns in the United States and Scotland for over 70 years.
He came to America 30 times and preached around the world twice. In the Paris Opera House he had 150 conversions out of the cream of Parisian society. He was a contemporary of Fanny Crosby and G. Campbell Morgan.
I'm God's messenger from the gypsy tent. And it's the message that's important, not the messenger. Topics: Evangelism | You say they are sceptical where Jesus is concerned. I'll tell you when they are sceptical--when they see the caricature of Jesus in you and me. Topics: Examples | When the great end of the day comes, the greatest joy of all will be the joy of knowing you have tried to make somebody else's life happy. Topics: Friendship | If I read my New Testament aright, and if I know God, and if I know humanity, and if I know Nature, then that is God's programme. God's programme is that the whole of life should be permeated with Christ. Topics: Life | This old world's dying for the want of love. There are more people die for the want of a bit of it than with overmuch of it. Don't stifle it--let it out. Topics: Love | If young converts wish to maintain their religious life strong, fresh, and secure, they must throw the whole of themselves into it; they must hold nothing back. Topics: Perseverance |
| There are lots of people think you are not doing any spiritual work unless you are singing, "Come to Jesus." Topics: Piety | I wonder what would happen if the preacher stopped in his sermon next Sunday morning and said, "Have you paid your debts this week?" "In what sort of a temper did you come down to breakfast this morning? Topics: Preaching, Responsibility | If a man's religion does not get into every detail of his life he may profess to be a saint, but he's a fraud. Religion ought to permeate life and make it beautiful--as lovely as a breath of perfume from the garden of the Lord. Topics: Religion | We are not quarrelling over religions at the front--we are fighting and dying for the folks who are doing that at home. Topics: Religion | The way to Jesus is not by Cambridge and Oxford, Glasgow, Edinburgh, London, Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Socrates, Plato, Shakespeare or the poets--It is over an old-fashioned hill called Calvary. Topics: The Cross | There's no sight like seeing the light from Calvary kiss a human face as it fills the heart with the assurance of Divine forgiveness. Topics: The Cross, Assurance |
