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Government Quotes

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    Government quotes by:    

A king is a thing men have made for their own sakes, for quietness sake. Just as in a family one man is appointed to buy the meat.

    Author: John Selden

They that govern most make least noise. In rowing a barge, they that do drudgery work, slash, puff, and sweat; but he that governs, sits quietly at the stern, and scarce is seen to stir.

    Author: John Selden

It is not juggling that is to be blamed, but much juggling; for the world cannot be governed without it.

    Author: John Selden

We have all been encouraged to feel in the guardianship and guidance of that Almighty Being whose power regulates the destiny of nations, whose blessings have been so conspicuously dispensed to this rising Republic.
- James Madison

    Author: Assorted Authors
    Source: Inaugural Address

And may that Being who is supreme over all, the Patron of order, the Fountain of justice, and the Protector, in all ages of the world, of virtuous liberty, continue His blessing upon this nation and its government, and give it all possible success and duration, consistent with the ends of His providence.

    Author: John Quincy Adams

The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations.

    Author: John Quincy Adams

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

    Author: John Quincy Adams

Always vote for a principle, though you vote alone, and you may cherish the sweet reflection that your vote is never lost.

    Author: John Quincy Adams

I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in providence, for the illumination of the ignorant and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth.

    Author: John Quincy Adams

Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom. No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue; and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.
- Patrick Henry

    Author: Assorted Authors

He that goeth about to persuade a multitude that they are not so well governed as they ought to be shall never want attentive and favorable hearers.
- Richard Hooker

    Author: Assorted Authors

Law; an ordinance of reason for the common good, made by him who has care of the community.

    Author: Thomas Aquinas

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