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Henry Drummond Quotes

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    Henry Drummond on:    

This is Degeneration--that principle by which the organism, failing to develop itself, failing even to keep what it has got, deteriorates, and becomes more and more adapted to a degraded form of life.

    Topics: Rebellion
    Source: Natural Law, Degeneration, p. 101.

It is a distinct fact by itself, which we can hold and examine separately, that on purely natural principles the soul that is left to itself unwatched, uncultivated, unredeemed, must fall away into death by its own nature.

    Topics: Rebellion
    Source: Natural Law, Degeneration, p. 104.

There are some men and some women in whose company we are always at our best. While with them we cannot think mean thoughts or speak ungenerous words. Their mere presence is elevation, purification, sanctity. All the best stops in our nature are drawn out by their intercourse, and we find a music in our souls that was never there before.

    Topics: Relationships
    Source: The Changed Life, p. 33.

No one who knows the content of Christianity, or feels the universal need of a Religion, can stand idly by while the intellect of his age is slowly divorcing itself from it.

    Topics: Religion
    Source: Natural Law, Preface, p. 22

A Science without mystery is unknown; a Religion without mystery is absurd. However far the scientific method may penetrate the Spiritual World, there will always remain a region to be explored by a scientific faith.

    Topics: Religion
    Source: Natural Law, Introduction, p. 28.

No single fact in Science has ever discredited a fact in Religion.

    Topics: Religion
    Source: Natural Law, Introduction, p. 30.

If the purification of Religion comes from Science, the purification of Science, in a deeper sense, shall come from Religion.

    Topics: Religion
    Source: Natural Law, Introduction, p. 31.

The religion of Jesus has probably always suffered more from those who have misunderstood than from those who have opposed it.

    Topics: Religion, Jesus
    Source: Natural Law, Bio-genesis, p. 67.

The test of Religion, the final test of Religion, is not Religiousness, but Love.

    Topics: Religion, Love
    Source: Greatest Thing in the World.

Religion in having mystery is in analogy with all around it. Where there is exceptional mystery in the Spiritual World it will generally be found that there is a corresponding mystery in the natural world.

    Topics: Religion
    Source: Natural Law, Bio-genesis, p. 91.

Religion is not a strange or added thing; but the inspiration of the secular life, the breathing of an eternal spirit through this temporal world.

    Topics: Religion
    Source: The Greatest Thing in the World.

Try to give up the idea that religion comes to us by chance, or by mystery, or by caprice. It comes to us by natural law, or by supernatural law, for all law is Divine.

    Topics: Religion
    Source: The Greatest Thing in the World, p. 46.

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