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Henry Drummond Quotes

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    Henry Drummond on:    

We do not picture the possessor of this carnal mind as in any sense a monster. We have said he may be high-toned, virtuous, and pure. The plant is not a monster because it is dead to the voice of the bird; nor is he a monster who is dead to the voice of God. The contention at present simply is that he is DEAD.

    Topics: Death
    Source: Natural Law, Death, p. 159.

"Perfect correspondence," according to Mr. Herbert Spencer, would be "perfect Life." To abolish Death, therefore, all that would be necessary would be to abolish Imperfection. But it is the claim of Christianity that it can abolish Death. And it is significant to notice that it does so by meeting this very demand of Science--it abolishes Imperfection.

    Topics: Death
    Source: Natural Law, Eternal Life, p. 249.

Christ never failed to distinguish between doubt and unbelief. Doubt is can't believe. Unbelief is won't believe. Doubt is honesty. Unbelief is obstinacy. Doubt is looking for light. Unbelief is content with darkness.

    Topics: Doubt, Unbelief

You will find, if you think for a moment, that the people who influence you are the people who believe in you.

    Topics: Encouragement

What a noble gift it is, the power of playing upon the souls and wills of men, and rousing them to lofty purposes and holy deeds.

    Topics: Encouragement
    Source: Greatest Thing in the World.

Only one thing truly need the Christian envy, the large, rich, generous soul which "envieth not."

    Topics: Envy
    Source: The Greatest Thing in the World.

Before we reach an Eternal Life we must pass beyond that point at which all ordinary correspondences inevitably cease. We must find an organism so high and complex, that at some point in its development it shall have added a correspondence which organic death is powerless to arrest.

    Topics: Eternal Life
    Source: Natural Law, Eternal Life, p. 213.

To correspond with the God of Science, the Eternal Unknowable, would be everlasting existence; to correspond with "the true God and Jesus Christ," is Eternal Life. The quality of the Eternal Life alone makes the heaven; mere everlastingness might be no boon. Even the brief span of the temporal life is too long for those who spend its years in sorrow.

    Topics: Eternal Life
    Source: Natural Law, Eternal Life, p. 220.

To Christianity, "he that hath the Son of God hath Life, and he that hath not the Son hath not Life." This, as we take it, defines the correspondence which is to bridge the grave. This is the clue to the nature of the Life that lies at the back of the spiritual organism. And this is the true solution of the mystery of Eternal Life.

    Topics: Eternal Life
    Source: Natural Law, Eternal Life, p. 227.

The relation between the spiritual man and his Environment is, in theological language, a filial relation. With the new Spirit, the filial correspondence, he knows the Father--and this is Life Eternal.

    Topics: Eternal Life
    Source: Natural Law, Eternal Life, p. 229.

It ought to be placed in the forefront of all Christian teaching that Christ's mission on earth was to give men Life. "I am come," He said, "that ye might have Life, and that ye might have it more abundantly." And that He meant literal Life, literal spiritual and Eternal Life, is clear from the whole course of His teaching and acting.

    Topics: Eternal Life
    Source: Natural Law, Eternal Life, p. 235.

Many men would be religious if they knew where to begin; many would be more religious if they were sure where it would end. It is not indifference that keeps some men from God, but ignorance. "Good Master, what must I do to inherit Eternal Life?" is still the deepest question of the age.

    Topics: Eternal Life
    Source: Natural Law, Eternal Life, p. 237.

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