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Humility Quotes

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The beginning of greatness is to be little; the increase of greatness is to be less; the perfection of greatness is to be nothing.

    Author: D.L. Moody

Should you ask me what is the first thing in religion; I should reply that the first, second, and third thing therein is humility.

    Author: Augustine

Do not desire to be the principal man in the church. Be lowly. Be humble. The best man in the church is the man who is willing to be a doormat for all to wipe their boots on, the brother who does not mind what happens to him at all, so long as God is glorified.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Source: Micah's Message for Today.

Every Christian has a choice between being humble or being humbled.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon

Humility is the proper estimate of oneself.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon

In the midst of our triumphs, let us cry to God for humility.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon

The best definition of humility I ever heard was this - to think rightly of ourselves.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon

The higher a man is in grace. The lower he will be in his own esteem.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon

To be laughted at is no great hardship to me. I can delight in scoffs and jeers Caricatures, lampoons, and slanders are my glory. But that you should turn from your own mercy, that is my sorrow. Spit on me, but, oh, repent! Laugh at me, but, oh, believe in my Master! Make my body as the dirt of the streets, but damn not your own souls!

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Source: Sermons, 4.56.

One of our troubles is we are not willing to humble ourselves. We are not willing to give up our opinions as to how things should be done.

    Author: Mordecai Ham

If you are not willing to take the shame on yourself, you then let it remain on Jesus Christ. You must bear the reproach of your sinful state of indifference, or the cause of our Master must bear it.

    Author: Mordecai Ham

Lord, teach us more what we are by nature, and what we are by grace.

    Author: William Tiptaft

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