William Tiptaft Quotes Page 1 of 5 William Tiptaft
In a sequestered village in Rutland called Braunston on February the 16th, 1803 William Tiptaft was born of Yeoman stock.
His parents "designed him for the Church" and he became a Curate to Treborough in Somerset 1826. It was, however, a year after (January 1827) when divine life entered his soul.
By 1829 God had convinced him of the truth of the doctrines of Election and Free Sovereign Grace. From his new birth to his death he adorned the Faith he professed in such an outstanding manner that his holy walk, his charity and his uncompromising stand for the distinguishing doctrines of Grace became proverbial and he a pattern of godly living, and self-sacrifice.
Both he and his bosom friend J.C. Philpot seceded from the Church of England and Tiptaft built at his own expense a fine Chapel at Abingdon in Berkshire where he preached without financial reward till the end of his days.
Towards the close of his life he said, "What a mercy, my last moments are my best," and later "Thy love is better than wine, Praise God, Praise God," and at the very last "Grace shall have all the praise."
Thus at 25 minutes past one on the morning of the 17th of August, 1864, aged 61, this good man passed to his eternal rest.
He was as a brillant star amongst the cluster of bright luminaries that adorned the Strict Baptist Ministry of his day.
Those who knew William Tiptaft know that no minister feared man less--or God more. He was full of zeal and earnestness--of a most bold, undaunted spirit--and counted the smiles of men as dust in the balance. Yet, one of the most marked features of his character was the sympathy he felt with the poor, and the thoroughness with which he identified himself with their feelings, views and interests. He was eminently--the poor man's friend.
- J. C. Philpot
What sorrow, troubles, and afflictions attend all the followers of the Lamb! Topics: Affliction | If you are contented with a sound creed and a little morality in your lives, you are in an awful state. I would not like to die in your state for a thousand worlds. Topics: Apathy | Show me a man's books and show me a man's companions--and I will tell you what sort of a man he is. Topics: Books, Friendship | Is Christ the one thing needful? Are you willing to pluck out right-eye sins, and cut off right-hand sins? Topics: Brokenness | Children take more notice of what their parents do, than what they say. Actions speak louder than words. Topics: Children, Examples | Grant that we may hold the world with a loose hand. Topics: Contentment |
| Have you ever experienced the new birth? If not, dying in your present state--to hell you must go. Topics: Conversion | Are you ready to shake hands with death? Topics: Death | Six feet by two-and-a-half is all the ground that the richest man in England will shortly occupy. Topics: Death | How awful to die out of Christ! How blessed to die in Christ! Topics: Death | If you have one grain of grace, you must die to know how rich you are. Topics: Death | Fit or not fit--we must all die, and we know not how soon. As death leaves us, the judgment must find us. Topics: Death, Justice |