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John Newton Quotes

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    John Newton on:    

Can we wish, if it were possible, to walk in a path strewed with flowers when His was strewed with thorns?

    Topics: The Cross
    Source: The Works of John Newton

Trials are medicines which our gracious and wise physician prescribes because we need them; and he proportions the frequency and weight of them to what the case requires.

    Topics: Trials

It is necessary that our sharpest trials should sometimes spring from our dearest comforts, else we should be in danger of forgetting ourselves and setting up our rest here.

    Topics: Trials, Comfort

A measure of trials is necessary for the exercise and manifestation of your graces; to give you a more convincing proof of the truth and sweetness of the promises made to a time of affliction; to mortify the body of sin; and to wean you more effectually from the world.

    Topics: Trials
    Source: Letters.

It belongs to your calling of God as a minister, that you should have a taste of the various spiritual trials which are incident to the Lord's people, that thereby you may know how to speak a word in season to them that are weary; and it is likewise needful to keep you perpetually attentive to that important admonition, "Without Me ye can do nothing."

    Topics: Trials
    Source: The Works of John Newton

Assurance grows by repeated conflict, by our repeated experimental proof of the Lord's power and goodness to save; when we have been brought very low and helped, sorely wounded and healed, cast down and raised again, have given up all hope, and been suddenly snatched from danger, and placed in safety; and when these things have been repeated to us and in us a thousand times over, we begin to learn to trust simply to the word and power of God, beyond and against appearances: and this trust, when habitual and strong, bears the name of assurance; for even assurance has degrees.

    Topics: Trust, Assurance

My principal method for defeating error and heresy, is, by establishing the truth. One purposes to fill a bushel with tares; but if I can fill it first with wheat, I may defy his attempts.

    Topics: Truth

The chief means for attaining wisdom, and suitable gifts for the ministry, are the Holy Scriptures, and prayer.

    Topics: Wisdom, Gifts, Scripture

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