Joni Eareckson Tada Quotes Page 1 of 2 Joni Eareckson Tada
Joni Eareckson Tada, the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Joni and Friends, is an international advocate for people with disabilities.
A diving accident in 1967 left Joni Eareckson, then 17, a quadriplegic in a wheelchair, unable to use her hands. After two years of rehabilitation, she emerged with new skills and a fresh determination to help others in similar situations.
During her rehabilitation, Joni spent long months learning how to paint with a brush between her teeth. Her high-detail fine art paintings and prints are sought-after and collected.
Her best-selling autobiography "Joni" and the feature film of the same name have been translated into many languages, introducing her to people around the world. She also has visited more than 45 countries.
She has served on the National Council on Disability and the Disability Advisory Committee to the U.S. State Department.
She is Senior Associate for Disability Concerns for the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization and serves in an advisory capacity to the American Leprosy Mission, the National Institute on Learning Disabilities, Love and Action and Christian Blind Mission International, as well as on the Board of Reference for the Christian Writers Guild, New Europe Communications and the Christian Medical and Dental Society.
After being the first woman honored by the National Association of Evangelicals as its "Layperson of the Year" in 1986, Joni was named "Churchwoman of the Year" in 1993 by the Religious Heritage Foundation.
God is more concerned with conforming me to the likeness of His Son than leaving me in my comfort zones. God is more interested in inward qualities than outward circumstances - things like refining my faith, humbling my heart, cleaning up my thought life and strengthening my character. Topics: Character, Circumstances | The Christian faith is meant to be lived moment by moment. It isn't some broad, general outline--it's a long walk with a real Person. Details count: passing thoughts, small sacrifices, a few encouraging words, little acts of kindness, brief victories over nagging sins. Topics: Christianity, Sacrifice | Sometimes God allows what he hates to accomplish what he loves. Topics: God | God doesn't just give us grace, He gives us Jesus, the Lord of grace. Topics: Grace, Jesus | Deny your weakness, and you will never realize God's strength in you. Topics: Humility, Weakness, Strength | We will stand amazed to see the topside of the tapestry and how God beautifully embroidered each circumstance into a pattern for our good and His glory. Topics: Inspiration, Beauty, Circumstances |
| The best we can hope for in this life is a knothole peek at the shining realities ahead. Yet a glimpse is enough. It's enough to convince our hearts that whatever sufferings and sorrows currently assail us aren't worthy of comparison to that which waits over the horizon. Topics: Life, Heaven | Jesus is strong...but He's also approachable. He is able to carry our load...but He'll never make us feel embarrassed or defeated for asking. Topics: Mercy | If you had never known physical pain in your life, how could you appreciate the nail scarred hands with which Jesus Christ will meet you? Topics: Pain | The times we find ourselves having to wait on others may be the perfect opportunities to train ourselves to wait on the Lord. Topics: Patience | Like supernatural effervescence, praise will sometimes bubble up from the joy of simply knowing Christ. Praise like that is...delight. Pure pleasure! But praise can also be supernatural determination. A decisive action. Praise like that is...quiet resolve. Fixed devotion. Strength of spirit. Topics: Praise, Joy | Like art, like music, like so many other disciplines, prayer can only be appreciated when you actually spend time in it. Spending time with the Master will elevate your thinking. The more you pray, the more will be revealed. You will appreciate not only the greatness of prayer, but the greatness of God. Topics: Prayer |
