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Obedience Quotes

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    Obedience quotes by:    

When the Lord's blessed will bloweth cross your desires, it is best, in humility, to strike sail to Him, and to be willing to be led any way our Lord pleaseth.

    Author: Samuel Rutherford

Why should I tremble at the plough of my Lord, that maketh deep furrows on my soul? I know He is no idle husbandman, He purposeth a crop.

    Author: Samuel Rutherford

God's corrections are our instructions; His lashes our lessons, and His scourges our schoolmasters.

    Author: James H. Aughey

Jesus organized the church, which is His vineyard. He commands all to go into the vineyard and work. All who are united to Christ by faith, and are thus members of His mystical body, should be members of His visible church.

    Author: James H. Aughey

It is much safer to obey than to rule.

    Author: Thomas a Kempis

No one doth safely rule but he that hath learned gladly to obey.

    Author: Thomas a Kempis

No man ruleth safely but that he is willingly ruled.

    Author: Thomas a Kempis

The only safe ruler is he who has learned to obey willingly.

    Author: Thomas a Kempis

He that seeketh anything else but simply God and the salvation of his soul, will find nothing but trouble and sorrow.

    Author: Thomas a Kempis

To obey God in some things, and not in others, shows an unsound heart. Childlike obedience moves toward even command of God, as the needle points where the loadstone draws.

    Author: Thomas Watson

In vain I have searched the Bible, looking for examples of early believers whose lives were marked by rigidity, predictability, inhibition, dullness, and caution. Fortunately, grim, frowning, joyless saints in Scriptures are conspicuous by their absence. Instead, the examples I find are of adventurous, risk-taking, enthusiastic, and authentic believers whose joy was contagious even in times of full trial. Their vision was broad even when death drew near. Rules were few and changes were welcome. The contrast between then and now is staggering.

    Author: Chuck Swindoll

He can only keep those who have handed themselves over to Him.

    Author: Watchman Nee

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