Pray with your intelligence. Bring things to God that you have thought out and think them out again with Him. That is the secret of good judgment. Author: Charles H. Brent |
Repeatedly place your pet opinions and prejudices before God. He will surprise you by showing you that the best of them need refining and some the purification of destruction. Author: Charles H. Brent |
Just as in prayer it is not we who momentarily catch His attention, but He ours, so when we fail to hear His voice, it is not because He is not speaking so much as that we are not listening. We must recognize that all things are in God and that God is in all things, and we must learn to be very attentive, in order to bear God speaking in His ordinary tone without any special accent. Author: Charles H. Brent |
A man must not stop listening any more than praying when he rises from his knees. No one questions the need of times of formal address to God, but few admit in any practical way the need of quiet waiting upon God, gazing into His face, feeling for His hand, listening for His voice. Author: Charles H. Brent |
God has special confidences for each soul. Indeed, it would seem as though the deepest truths came only in moments of profound devotional silence and contemplation. Author: Charles H. Brent |
It makes a great difference in our feeling towards others if their needs and their joys are on our lips in prayer; as also it makes a vast difference in their feelings towards us if they know that we are in the habit of praying for them. Author: Charles H. Brent |
There is no chasm in society that cannot be firmly and permanently bridged by intercession; there is no feud or dislike that cannot be healed by the same exercise of love. Author: Charles H. Brent |
As we pour out our bitterness, God pours in his peace. Author: F.B. Meyer |
We must be still before God. Author: F.B. Meyer |
The man who prays grows, and the muscles of the soul swell from this whipcord to iron bands. Author: F.B. Meyer |
Yours will be the wings of an eagle's flight, the soaring of a lark, sunward, heavenward, Godward! But you must take time to be holy - in meditation, in prayer, and especially in the use of the Bible. Author: F.B. Meyer |
The greatest tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, buy unoffered prayer. Author: F.B. Meyer |