Preaching is the moral conscience of a nation. Author: Jack Hyles |
Preaching is teaching with a tear in the eye. Author: Jack Hyles |
Lord, help me to preach today as if it were the last sermon I would ever preach. Author: Jack Hyles |
If we don't stir up people, move people, we have failed. If you can preach Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night, and no one is stirred to go out and do what God says, you haven't done much. Author: Lee Roberson |
Will the sin of this nation stir us? We are a part of this day and time. We have a job to do. We ought to be stirred in our souls against sin and condemn it in every sermon. In every way possible, let people know your attitude. Author: Lee Roberson |
Preachers, we'd better quit this business of turning all our sick folks over to the doctors and hospitals and drugstores. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you'd better find out. You're going to give an account to God for letting your people die without praying for them and preaching the Book to them. Author: Lester Roloff |
I wonder what would happen if the preacher stopped in his sermon next Sunday morning and said, "Have you paid your debts this week?" "In what sort of a temper did you come down to breakfast this morning? Author: Gipsy Smith |
I never preached a sermon yet that I could not pick to pieces, and find fault with. I feel that Jesus Christ ought to have a far better representative than I am. Author: D.L. Moody |
I have lived long enough to discover that there is nothing perfect in this world. If you are to wait till you find a perfect preacher, or perfect meetings, I am afraid you will have to wait till the millennium arrives. What we want is to be looking up to Christ. Let us be done with faultfinding. Author: D.L. Moody |
If good preaching could save the world, it would have been done long ago. Author: Billy Sunday |
I am not the author of the plan of salvation, but I am responsible for the way I preach it. Author: Billy Sunday |
I am an old-fashioned preacher of the old-time religion, that has warmed this cold world's heart for two thousand years. Author: Billy Sunday |