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Richard Cecil Quotes

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    Richard Cecil on:    

Example is more forcible than precept. People look at my six days in the week to see what I mean on the seventh.

    Topics: Examples

A contemplative life has more the appearance of piety than any other; but the divine plan is to bring faith into activity and exercise.

    Topics: Faith, Piety

Faith makes all evil good to us, and all good better; unbelief makes all good evil, and all evil worse. Faith laughs at the shaking of the spear; unbelief trembles at the shaking of a leaf, unbelief starves the soul; faith finds food in famine, and a table in the wilderness. In the greatest danger, faith says, "I have a great God." When outward strength is broken, faith rests on the promises. In the midst of sorrow, faith draws the sting out of every trouble, and takes out the bitterness from every affliction.

    Topics: Faith, Good and Evil, Bitterness

He who sows, even with tears, the precious seed of faith, hope, and love, shall doubtless come again with joy, bringing his sheaves with him, because it is the very nature of that seed to yield a joyful harvest.

    Topics: Faith, Hope, Love

As a man loves gold, in that proportion he hates to be imposed upon by counterfeits; and in proportion as a man has regard for that which is above price and better than gold, he abhors that hypocrisy which is but its counterfeit.

    Topics: Finances

There are soft moments even to desperadoes. God does not, all at once, abandon even them.

    Topics: God

Every year of my life I grow more convinced that it is wisest and best to fix our attention on the beautiful and the good, and dwell as little as possible on the evil and the false.

    Topics: Good and Evil, Contentment, Beauty

If there is any person to whom you feel dislike, that is the person of whom you ought never to speak.

    Topics: Gossip

The grandest operations, both in nature and grace, are the most silent and imperceptible. The shallow brook babbles in its passage and is heard by every one; but the coming on of the seasons is silent and unseen. The storm rages and alarms, but its fury is soon exhausted, and its effects are but partial and soon remedied; but the dew, though gentle and unheard, is immense in quantity, and is the very life of large portions of the earth. And these are pictures of the operations of grace in the church and in the soul.

    Topics: Grace, Nature

If I have made an appointment with you, I owe you punctuality, I have no right to throw away your time, if I do my own.

    Topics: Honesty

The first step towards knowledge is to know that we are ignorant.

    Topics: Ignorance, Knowledge

Nothing can be proposed so wild or so absurd as not to find a party, and often a very large party to espouse it.

    Topics: Ignorance

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