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Stephen Charnock Quotes

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    Stephen Charnock on:    

Since nothing but God is eternal, nothing but God is worth the loving.

    Topics: God, Love

God doth not govern the world only by his will as an absolute monarch, but by his wisdom and goodness as a tender father. It is not his greatest pleasure to show his sovereign power, or his inconceivable wisdom, but his immense goodness, to which he makes the other attributes subservient.

    Topics: God

No man is an unbeliever, but because he will be so; and every man is not an unbeliever, because the grace of God conquers some, changes their wills, and binds them to Christ.

    Topics: Grace

This little member can behold the earth, and in a moment view things as high as heaven.

    Topics: Heaven

If every attribute of the Deity were a distinct member, holiness would be the soul to animate them. Without holiness His patience would be an indulgence to sin, His mercy a fondness, His wrath a madness, His power a tyranny, His wisdom an unworthy subtlety.Holiness gives decorum to them all.

    Topics: Holiness

It is a sad thing to be Christians at a supper, heathens in our shops, and devils in our closets.

    Topics: Hypocrisy
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

All the prayers in the Scripture you will find to be reasoning with God, not a multitude of words heaped together.

    Topics: Prayer, Scripture

A proud faith is as much a contradiction as a humble devil.

    Topics: Pride, Faith
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

Providence would seem to sleep unless faith and prayer awaken it. The disciples had but little faith in their Master's accounts, yet that little faith awakened him in a storm, and he relieved them. Unbelief doth only discourage God from showing his power in taking our parts.

    Topics: Providence, Faith

The Devil accuses us when we fall, but he has not so much on his side as we have.

    Topics: Satan

Satan has no merit of his own to enter as plea for vengeance.

    Topics: Satan

How comfortable it is to have One, day and night, before the throne to control the charge of our enemy, and the despondencies of our souls.

    Topics: Satan, God

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