Ideas are funny little things. They won't work unless you do. - Author Unknown Topics: Achievement |
Anger is one letter short of danger. - Author Unknown Topics: Anger |
He who angers you, conquers you. - Author Unknown Topics: Anger |
How to trap an atheist: Serve him a fine meal, then ask him if he believes there is a cook. - Author Unknown Topics: Atheism, Humorous |
Epitath: Here lies an atheist; all dressed up and no place to go. - Author Unknown Topics: Atheism, Humorous, Death |
The atheist can't find God for the same reason that a thief can't find a police officer. - Author Unknown Topics: Atheism |
He came to pay a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay. - Author Unknown Topics: Atonement |
Atonement: At-one-ment. - Author Unknown Topics: Atonement |
Words must be weighed, not counted. - Author Unknown Topics: Character, Gossip |
When flatterers meet, the devil goes to dinner. - Author Unknown Topics: Character, Hypocrisy |
Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is. - Author Unknown Topics: Character |
A man should be like tea; his real strength appearing when he gets in hot water. - Author Unknown Topics: Character, Strength |