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William Tiptaft Quotes

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    William Tiptaft on:    

How many who died last century are in hell--who never committed half the sins some of you have!

    Topics: Death, Sin

Take heed and beware of covetousness. The Lord saw the need of doubly warning against that besetting sin.

    Topics: Envy

Make us more dead to the world, and separate in spirit from it.

    Topics: Godliness

I have no stone to cast at the vilest of the vile. It is all of grace that I am made to differ!

    Topics: Grace

Better to live in a hovel with a grain of grace, than to live in a palace without it; for what would the palace avail you in a thousand years?

    Topics: Grace, Wealth

We need restraining grace, as well as saving grace.

    Topics: Grace

If the way to heaven is so narrow, and so few find it, what will become of those who never seek it?

    Topics: Heaven

If this world with its fading pleasures is so much admired, what must heaven be, which God praises?

    Topics: Heaven

If not washed in Christ's blood and clothed in his righteousness, no heaven for you, no heaven for me.

    Topics: Hell

Grant Lord that we may be made right in doctrine, right in experience, and right in practice.

    Topics: Holiness

What a mercy to be made right in doctrine, right in experience, and right in practice!

    Topics: Holiness

Lord, teach us more what we are by nature, and what we are by grace.

    Topics: Humility

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