Clovis G. Chappell Quotes Page 1 of 2 Clovis G. Chappell
Clovis Gillham Chappell was one of the greatest Methodist preachers of the 20th century.
He was ordained into the ministry of the Methodist Church in 1908, and over the next 41 years held pastorates in Washington, Memphis, Houston, Birmingham and Charlotte, North Carolina. He officially retired in 1949 but filled numerous speaking engagements each year throughout the country.
Born at Flat Woods, Tennessee on January 8, 1882, he studied at Trinity (now Duke) and Harvard Universities. He held doctoral degrees from Duke, Centenary College of Louisiana, and Birmingham Southern College. He was the author of some 35 religious books which were distributed throughout the world.
It is a sad day for any congregation when those who compose it can be counted on to be there at the social function, there at the place of business, but cannot be counted on when the interests of the Kingdom are at stake and when the Son of God goes forth to war. Topics: Apathy | Whenever you make up your mind to refuse to go where God wants you to go and to do what God wants you to do, you must make up your mind at the same time to renounce the friendship of God. You cannot walk with Him and at the same time be in rebellion against Him. God has no possible way of entering into fellowship with the soul that is disobedient to His will. Believe me, it is absolutely useless, it is mere mockery, to say "Lord, Lord" and then refuse to do the things that He commands you to do. Topics: Backsliding | However far you have gone from God and however stiff may be the tempest that blows about you, if you get this promise under your feet all the storms that hell can let loose against a human soul will leave you unshaken. But you must keep a firm stand on the promise. Topics: Backsliding | A religion that does not permeate and purify and uplift and sanctify business and business relations is not the religion of Jesus Christ. Topics: Business | We will never bring in the Kingdom by simply seeking to save an adult generation. We must give God a chance at the children or the cause of righteousness is going to be defeated. But if we will save the child, we will surely save the world. Topics: Children | I am so glad God will never allow a man to go comfortably and peacefully to eternal death. He never allows any man to be lost until He has done His best to save him. Topics: Death |
| We get in the grip of doubt and straightway we turn from the fellowship of those who know the Lord to the fellowship of those who confessedly do not know Him. Topics: Doubt, Fellowship | It is a very human trait in us to feel that another's advancement is in some way a blow to ourselves. It is equally a human trait to feel that another's downfall and disgrace in some way adds a bit of luster to our own crowns. Of course, nothing could be more utterly false. Topics: Envy | It is better to make a thousand failures than to be too cowardly to ever undertake anything. Topics: Failure, Fear | Whatever failure you and I make of our lives, we do not make because God forces us to do so. In whatever way we go wrong, we do not do so because God planned that we should. We do it because of our own willfulness and wicked rebellion against God. Topics: Failure | What we need is faith. For faith is not a tame and spineless thing that dares nothing. Real faith dares something, something big and brawny, beyond the human. Hence it brings into life the thrill of finest romance. Topics: Faith | As the saints of God meet together Jesus still manifests Himself. And seeing Him, there comes to us a new joy and peace, a new sense of the purpose and worthfulness of life. Seeing Him there comes to us a new power for battle and for conquest. Topics: Joy, Peace, Power |
