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Discipline Quotes

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Teach us, O Lord, the disciplines of patience, for to wait is often harder than to work.

    Author: Peter Marshall

All the great temptations appear first in the region of the mind and can be fought and conquered there. We have been given the power to close the door of the mind. We can lose this power through disuse or increase it by use, by the daily discipline of the inner man in things which seem small and by reliance upon the word of the Spirit of truth. It is God that worketh in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure. It is as though He said, 'Learn to live in your will, not in your feelings.'

    Author: Amy Carmichael

God is interested in developing your character. At times He lets you proceed, but He will never let you go too far without discipline to bring you back. In your relationship with God, He may let you make a wrong decision. Then the Spirit of God causes you to recognize that it is not God's will. He guides you back to the right path.

    Author: Henry Blackaby

Work is a blessing. God has so arranged the world that work is necessary, and He gives us hands and strength to do it. The enjoyment of leisure would be nothing if we had only leisure. It is the joy of work well done that enables us to enjoy rest, just as it is the experiences of hunger and thirst that make food and drink such pleasures. - Discipline: The Glad Surrender

    Author: Elisabeth Elliot

Christianity certainly involves hardship and discipline. But it is founded on the solid rock of old fashioned happiness. Jesus is in the happiness business.

    Author: John Hagee

We must face the fact that many today are notoriously careless in their living. This attitude finds its way into the church. We have liberty, we have money, we live in comparative luxury. As a result, discipline practically has disappeared. What would a violin solo sound like if the strings on the musician's instrument were all hanging loose, not stretched tight, not "disciplined"?

    Author: A.W. Tozer
    Source: Christianity Today, November 20, 1987.

We may feel God's hand as a Father upon us when He strikes us as well as when He strokes us.

    Author: Abraham Wright
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

God sometimes in infinite patience adjourns his judgments and puts off the sessions a while longer, he is not willing to punish.

    Author: Thomas Watson

God being a Father, if He hide His face from His child, it is in love. Desertion is sad in itself, a short hell (Job 6:9). When the light is withdrawn, dew falls. Yet we may see a rainbow in the cloud, the love of a Father in all this.

    Author: Thomas Watson
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

Discipline, for the Christian, begins with the body. We have only one. It is this body that is the primary material given to us for sacrifice. We cannot give our hearts to God and keep our bodies for ourselves.

    Author: Elisabeth Elliot

No voluntary act of spiritual discipline is ever to become an occasion for self-promotion. Otherwise, any value to the act is utterly vitiated.

    Author: D.A. Carson

We often learn more of God under the rod that strikes us than under the staff that comforts us.

    Author: Stephen Charnock

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