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Grace Quotes

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There is no such way to attain to greater measures of grace, as for a man to live up to that little grace he has.

    Author: Thomas Brooks

As heat is opposed to cold, and light to darkness, so grace is opposed to sin. Fire and water may as well agree in the same vessel, as grace and sin in the same heart.

    Author: Thomas Brooks

None so empty of grace as he that thinks he is full.

    Author: Thomas Watson

Doth God give us a Christ, and will he deny us a crust? If God doth not give us what we crave, He will give us what we need.

    Author: Thomas Watson

Grace comes into the soul, as the morning sun into the world; first a dawning; then a light; and at last the sun in his full and excellent brightness.

    Author: Thomas Adams

The whole Christian life is a life in which the further a person progresses, the more he has to depend directly on God. The more we progress, the less we are self-sufficient. The more we progress, the poorer we get so that the man who has progressed most, is totally poor - he has to depend directly on God. He's got nothing left in himself.

    Author: Thomas Merton

To be risen with Christ means not only that one has a choice and that one may live by a higher law - the law of grace and love - but that one must do so. The first obligation of the Christian is to maintain their freedom from all superstitions, all blind taboos and religious formalities, indeed from all empty forms of legalism.

    Author: Thomas Merton

At times it seems we require more grace to lose our wealth than to lose our life!

    Author: Watchman Nee

Natural strength is what we receive from the hand of God as Creator. Spiritual strength is what we receive from God in grace.

    Author: Watchman Nee

If a Christian remains in a carnal condition long after experiencing new birth, he hinders God's salvation from realizing its full potential and manifestation. Only when he is growing in grace, constantly governed by the spirit, can salvation be wrought in him.

    Author: Watchman Nee

No iron chain, or outward force of any kind, could ever compel the soul of man to believe or to disbelieve: it is his own indefeasible light, that judgment of his; he will reign and believe there by the grace of God alone!

    Author: Thomas Carlyle

We are justified, not by giving anything to God, - what we do, - but by receiving from God, what Christ hath done for us."

    Author: William Gurnall

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